
Machinery and Equipment for Research and Development

An expanded definition of “industrial machinery” adds eligibility for the industrial machinery tax credit and sales and use tax exemption for a much wider array of companies who make purchases for research and development.


IT Professionals: Know Your Environment

Attention IT professionals, let’s examine the importance of developing and maintaining a deep understanding of your organization’s network and resources to better protect your company.


MACRA 101: What is MACRA and the two payment models

MACRA is the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015, which was finalized on Oct. 14, 2016. Advanced APMs and MIPS are two payment models presented in MACRA.


NEWS: LBMC Investment Advisors Named 2016 Financial Advice Industry Best Practice

InvestmentNews Names LBMC Investment Advisors One of Twelve Best Practice… Read more »


How will new accounting standards impact your business?

With major changes coming down the road in the accounting for leases and revenue, now is the time to start planning for their impact on your business.


Repealing the Tennessee Hall Tax

The repeal of the Tennessee Hall tax was signed by Governor Bill Haslam intending to repeal the Hall Tax by January 1, 2022.


My experience as an LBMC intern

What do you really need to know about being an intern at one the fastest growing professional services firms in the state? To get that answer, we asked some of our LBMC interns from the past 12 months to share their takeaways.


Employer and Employee Classifications Under PPACA

We explore employer classifications and obligations under PPACA, or how your business will be affected by PPACA.


What is a Full-Time Employee Under PPACA?

Under PPACA, a full-time employee is one who works an average of thirty (30) hours a week or more.


Qualified Small Business Stock Provides Tax Advantages for Angel Investors

The PATH Act made permanent the exclusion of 100 percent of the gain on the sale or exchange of Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) meeting certain requirements and subject to taxpayer limitations.